Our core values are inspired by our brand and our work culture.
We make sure to understand our customers, we build trust and we help them do their business better. We help each other to reach our goals, and we celebrate success together.
We treat everyone with the highest level of respect and courtesy. We listen, we are responsive, available, and friendly. We create the right conditions for everyone to be engaged and take part in our journey.
We take ownership to drive the business forward. We are not afraid to take risks. We make decisions and follow up on the execution. The way we act and behave according to our values defines good performance.
We speak honestly. We listen and respect different opinions, and we bring issues into the open. We ask for feedback to help us improve and we give feedback with the genuine intention to help.
We are pragmatic and simple. We do what it takes to fulfil our promises. We prioritize carefully and dare to say no when needed. We learn from successes and failures, and we do this together with our customers.
At QTech, integrity and business ethics are fundamental to the way we do business and are key
elements of how we build our company.
We have implemented a Business Ethics and Compliance programme throughout our network. The
Code’s Principles and associated rules and procedures apply to all our activities, and include
standards for technical and professional conduct in the following areas:
For any, Complaints, Appeals, Grievances, or Suggestions please email us at quality@qtechinspections.com